Erase CD dialog box

Displays a list of media drives. You can select the drive that contains the backup disk with the data, such as  photos, that you want to erase. After you select a drive, click the Erase button.

While Photo Backup erases data on the backup disk, a status box displays the progress. The main window for Photo Backup disappears from the desktop during the erase process. The Photo Backup - Burning status box remains visible.  You can click the Abort button to interrupt the erase process.

important Important

This command permanently removes data from the CD or DVD. You cannot access the files after this process.
This command works only with DVDs and CD-RWs (CD rewritable). You cannot erase files on a CD-R (CD write once) disk.

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Backing up your photos

CD Info command (Tools menu)

Erase CD command (Tools menu)

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