Scan existing backups

If you have existing archives on backup disks, Photo Backup can scan the disks to ensure that the software does not back up photos that are already burned to CD or DVD. The following steps add the backup disk to the Manage Archive tab on the Archive Settings dialog box.

1.Place the backup disk in a drive.
2.In Photo Backup, click Tools > Archive Settings.
3.On the Manage Archive tab, click the Scan Previous Backup button.
4.On the Scan Existing Backup dialog box, select the media drive.

Photo Backup scans the backup disk for an existing archive. When the process is complete, the Manage Archive tab displays the backup disk in the Discs in the archive list.

If a photo is not already in the current archive, Photo Backup adds the photo to the archive.

If Photo Backup did not create the backup disk, the photos on the disk appear in the main window with a blue label. You can now restore the photos to the hard drive.


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Managing backup disks

Replace damaged backup disks

Create redundant archives

Check for a damaged backup disk

Archive Settings command (Tools menu)

Manage Archive tab (Archive Settings dialog box)