OnTheGoSoft Blog
Tips, news and ideas for using our programs

Shrink Pic with Proper Vista Support

We’ve finally released Shrink Pic with support for Internet Explorer and Outlook.

A nasty bug, caused by Explorer’s privacy mode (which is a pretty good thing by itself) caused Shrink Pic not to kick in.

Another bug, which some of you might have noticed (and many reported) was crashing Outlook. Yes, Shrink Pic sadly crashed Outlook when running on Vista.

Well, all these problems are part of history now. Shrink Pic 1.7 runs perfectly on IE7, IE8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Opera, and a host of other programs. It runs the same on Windows XP and Vista, regardless of security settings.

Get it while it’s hot. Visit our download page.

What’s planned next for Shrink Pic?

The next version of Shrink Pic is going to speak more than just English. We’re localizing it to a host of languages. I’ll write about it when it’s ready.

3 Responses to “Shrink Pic with Proper Vista Support”

  1. David says:

    Hi Amir

    Indeed on the security settings, great on investigating this further and look forward to updates. Did test with running the app as admin and even compatability mode for XP SP3.


  2. David says:


    Love your app, a friend needed a suggestion on something to automatically shrink pics, and well your app fits the bill perfectly. I ended up blogging about it here http://bit.ly/WDdvi

    Also it seems to work fine in the RC version of Windows 7 x64.

    Couldn’t get it to work in Windows Live Mail though so hope at some point you add support?


    • Amir says:

      Hi David,

      I’m very glad to hear it’s also working on Windows 7. Didn’t try it yet myself.

      It’s supposed to work on WLM, but it’s a bit tricky. Windows security settings change the way Shrink Pic works, so it works for some and not for others.

      We’re investigating it.